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what's on my mind...

Because this is a devotional blog of course I have to bring God into this but seeing Christ in the middle of everything that is happening in our world right now is so hard. I'm trying to stay positive and busy but all I can think about is myself and how my life feels like it's ending because of a sickness that I feel like I can't get. I acknowledge that I'm being selfish but all I want to do is go out to see my friends and family. I want to be able to go to the gym or the store with no worries of getting sick. I just want life to go back to normal! Is God at the center of those thoughts? No.. But does God have a plan for this pandemic that is taking over the lives and thoughts of every human being in the world. Yes! Do I see God working through this sickness? Not really, but I know He is here. I know that He is with me.

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