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Have you ever felt like a nobody? Do you ever feel like nobody notices you and nobody can see you? Even if you are in the spotlight all the time. Even if you are the leader of you friend group. Do you ever just feel alone?

I regularly feel alone. I feel like a nobody, even through all the groups that I'm involved in, all the classes I do, all the friends that I may have, I feel lost. I continually feel like a nobody wandering around on this earth trying to figure out who I am and the purpose I have here. I wish I could tell you that I found it but I can't. I also wish I could give you some advice for finding your identity and finding your purpose but I can't. The only thing I can tell you is that I know and I pray that you know somebody who can. His name is Jesus! I can't tell you how many pastors, speakers, and youth leaders have told me that "Your identity is in Christ." That phrase isn't bad in any way but I will tell you right now that in my life the phrase "Your identity is in Christ" has honestly never helped me in any way. "HE DIDN'T GO TO THE CROSS FOR A NOBODY!" How does that effect you? "He didn't go to the cross for a nobody" he went to the cross for a somebody and that person is you! That's what shows me who I am. I am a somebody that Jesus Christ, the creator of the earth, created in his own image to live out Christ Jesus in my everyday life. No matter what your co-workers, classmates, or friends tell you, you are beautiful. You are strong. You are a somebody. Finding your identity is not going to be a one time thing. Figuring out who you are and what your purpose is, is a trial and error process and the only person who knows is Jesus. If you accept Jesus Christ as your savior he will lead you down the right path. You are a somebody and nobody can tell you any differently!

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