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The Law's Purpose

Hey friends,

It has been so long since I blogged! I have been so busy and have gotten caught up in life that I just haven't had the time and energy to sit down and write. I apologize.

I have always struggled with directions especially from God because I feel as though throughout the whole bible I have never felt like God is specifically giving me directions. But, Psalm 19 gives me a sense of relief. I feel as though God is speaking to me that He is trustful, pure, and respectable and that he is worth trusting. And that his directions are worth trusting. So, I wanted to share this with y'all.

Psalm 19:7-8 "The law of the Lord is perfect. It gives us new strength. The laws of the Lord can be trusted. They make childish people wise. The rules of the Lord are right. They give joy to our hearts. The commands of the Lord shine brightly. They give light to our minds. "

"The law of the Lord is perfect!" Isn't the reassuring? God is not only perfect, but his laws are perfect. What he tells us is not wrong. It is perfect. It is true.

V. 9-10 "The law that brings respect for the Lord is pure. It lasts forever. The directions the Lord gives are true. All of them are completely right. They are more priceless than gold. They have greater value than huge amounts of pure gold. They are sweeter than honey that is taken from the honeycomb. "

One of my favorite things to do when i'm dissecting a bible verse is to highlight the words that stick out to me. So that is what I did with the last verse. Those are some of the words that stuck out to me. Respect, Purity, Directions, True, Completely Right, and Value.

The laws of God are more priceless than gold. God is guiding us along to give us direction in this crazy life. God loves us so much that He has given us the bible of direction.

I hope you know that you are loved. Because Jesus died on the cross for you! For you! He loved you so much that he couldn't stand the thought of you suffering. HE wanted you to have eternal life... Eternal life with him! And the only way was for him to die on the cross. I hope that that gives you some encouragement for this week! YOU ARE LOVED!

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