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V. 2-3 But in these last days he has spoken to us through his Son. He is the one whom made everything through him. The Son is the gleaming brightness of God's glory. He is the exact likeness of God's being. He uses his powerful word to hold all things together.

God sent his one and only son to the sinful world that we live in to bring the brightness of God's glory to earth. Isn't it amazing!!! He is speaking to us to show that glory around the world.

V. 3-4 He provided the way for people to be made pure from sin. then he sat down at the right hand of the king, the majesty in heaven. So He became higher than the angels.

He did that for you! He came to earth. He was tortured. He was hurt. And then He gave his life up on the cross of cavalry. But He rose 3 days later, and ascended into heaven. While Jesus was here on earth He spread the good news of the gospel. He spoke of the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God. Even though He he had the burden of knowing when He was going to die. "He provided the way for people to be made pure from sin."

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