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Faithful Love

Hey Friends, I am so sorry it has been so long since I've posted. School and so many other responsibilities have gotten in my way these past few weeks. But with that said, I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and was able to spend quality time with their family. Okay, now onto the devo.

V. 1 "Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever."




1. loyal, constant, and steadfast.

2. true to the facts or the original

What does faithful mean to you?

The Lords love is constant, never-ending, and loyal. It continues forever!

V. 2-4 "Let the people of Israel say, "His faithful love continue forever." Let the priests of Aaron say, "His faithful love continue forever." Let those who have respect for the Lord say, "His faithful love continue forever."

And let you say "The Lord's faithful love continue forever!" Do you believe it?

I struggle with knowing that God is there when i'm going through a hard time or someone I know is... No one will ever able to answer the question, "why does God let us suffer?" The only person who will ever be able is God! But one thing I know till that day when I can ask God that question is He has a faithful, never-ending, loyal love that loves you and me. That loves us even through those rocky waves. Even through those times when we feel like were at rock bottom. He still and will never stop loving us!

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