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Spreading Faith

V. 5 Dear friends, you are faithful in what you are doing for the believers. You are faithful even though they are strangers to you.

During this time, strangers and non-believers were running to the church for help and encouragement. The church was teaching them all about God and his faithfulness. They showed them love and kindness. I know that when people run to me for encouragement or assurance, I am always not the best one to run too. As the church and as a Christian we are called to show our faith to strangers. To non-believers. Even when it is definitely not the easiest thing to do.

V. 6-8 They have told the church about your love. Please help them by sending them on their way in a manner that honors God. They started on their journey to serve Jesus Christ. They didn't receive any help from those who aren't believers. So we should welcome people like them We should work together with them for the truth.

I honestly really don't know what to say. I can't really speak about being an ideal Christian because i'm not. No one is able to fit what the bible says we are supposed to act like or how were supposed to be kind, loving, and generous. Even though we try, we're not able to even come close to the expectations that we have for ourselves. God has excepted us the just the way we are. Throughout the bible, we are told about faithfulness and love and how we are, as the church, to go and live out our faith. It is a big part of our faith. Of course we don't have to, but we should want to. We should want to go, and serve others. And live out our faith even in the darkest of times, even when we're going through a hard time.

It brings God joy to know that we are being good and faithful servants to the people around us. I encourage you to do an act of kindness to someone around you this week.

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